Criteria for Admission
Participant accepted for program must have a primary substance abuse problem and meet one of the criteria.
1. Primary alcohol or substance abuse problem.
2. Previous pattern/history of substance use and in danger of relapse.
3. Criminal/legal issues that may encumber the treatment process.
4. No major physical or phychiatric disabilities, which preclude participation in the program structure, and/or activites. We facilitate care for those with Co-ocurring Disorders. We are handicap accesible, with limited availability.
5. Participant must be willing to accept program rules and structured limitiations prior to admission.
6. Exclusion may occur in cases of extreme or excessive violence in personal history. It will be determined on an individual basis. Sex Offenders and Arsonists will not be accepted
Admission into treatment is based upon information recevied and related to the above critera. Services may be terminated at the discretion of Hilltop Recovery Services for violation of program rules. We do not discriminate based on sex, religion, race, political affilation, or sexual preference. We adhere to all Local, State and Federal laws that govern Substance Abuse Treatment Services.