Since opening our doors in 2007, we have continued to improve our facility and services. With the new addition of Hilltop Recovery Intensive Outpatient we will again be moving forward to meeting the needs of indivduals that have previously been unable to obtain treatment services. It is our goal to be an active particiapnt in the recovery community and support those who have a desire to change their lives.
Hilltop Recovery is safe place for men and women seeking a healthier way to live through the program of recovery.
Thank you for browsing our home and web site. We hope some of your questions have been answered, feel free to contact us via email , fax, phone or even a letter and we will do our best to respond in a timely fashion.
Hilltop Recovery Services Lake County California Po Box 316 Lucerne, CA95464 ph: 707-998-1800 fax: 707-998-0122